Tuesday, May 28, 2013

What's Your EQ? Blog # 5 Due Tuesday, May 28th by midnight

Dr. Daniel Goleman is the author of  "Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships" and well known and respected for his work on the importance of having emotional and social intelligence vs. academic intelligence.  Watch Dr. Daniel Goleman's video lecture on Emotional and Social Intelligence at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hoo_dIOP8k&feature=related  Take the self-test on emotional intelligence at the following link EQ self-test and then comment on which of the 4 major aspects of emotional intelligence you feel is the most important to living a successful life and why.

1.  Self-Awareness
2.  Self-Management
3.  Social Awareness
4.  Relationship Management


  1. Personally, I think relationship management is the most important aspect of emotional intelligence when it comes to living a successful life. While I can see how both self-awareness and self-management could possibly be as important to success, I believe that how we interact with people says the most about our emotional intelligence. This might be because I often put others above myself in many ways, which is something the self-test pointed out, but I honestly don’t think any of us would be where we are now, much less anywhere, without the many different relationships we create and maintain through out our lives. There are different degrees of relationships we have in our lives too, and I think they all affect us in someway and help us determine who we are as a person. These relationships could be with the members of your family, with your friends, with your soulmate, with your boss, with your co-workers, or even with some stranger you passed on the street. I think how we react to others, how we treat others and how we change and grow in relationships with others says a lot about how we feel about ourselves and who we are as people, and it definitely plays a huge role in our level of emotional intelligence.

  2. I feel that in my own aspect, Relationship Management is by far the most important one that impacts my life in all areas. This means a lot because of my family values and my role of being a father, brother and friend to my peers effect others in their lives as well as mine. Its important to maintain a healthy strong relationship with anyone in your life. Also toward future colleagues in the near future. This will help you get through life in ways that many don't have or need the help in. Losing this, or not having this because you choose no to fix issues inside or with others will hurt you in the long run when in need to have the support on you own life's problems. Relationships with yourself, and others helps you balance many comfort levels with your stresses in life. We all need help in some areas and having this along challenges will help you over come anything I feel that makes you feel unwanted etc. The other aspects are just as important to have, but this one in my opinion is the most strongest to have in life.

  3. lets see if this one post...
    Well darn this is really weird for me because I do see myself doing stuff like this. I have to say it is because of my up bringing and the goals that I have set in life for myself. I tend to believe that a person should have most of these attributes to a good life. I no that I always talk about my upbringing in life but I feel that this is what really makes this class so neat to teach me about how things are going in my mind and bringing it to my attention such as Self-Awareness and Social Awareness which I feel are the two major parts of this test and what I have gotten out of it. The main reason why I feel that you should have these are because of the crazy society that we live in and the fact that you may not be able to adapt to do anything you need or want to do with out being told to do so. Mr. Goleman is a very intelligent man and has tons of knowledge about the emotional intelligence and really made me want to watch his video even though it was for your extreme Dr. such as yourself ma’am haha.

  4. I am going to have to say that self-awareness is the most important for me. I believe that one has to be able to know oneself very well to the point of knowing how you will react to any situation that can affect yourself. One should always come before anyone else. While relationship management is very important because life depends on how you interact with people, I think that you have to know your weaknesses and strengths before you can care about anyone else’s. In order to expect anything at your level from anyone else you must know what you expect and what you are satisfied with. I know myself all too well and am very demanding with the people I associate with to be on the same page. I have always managed issues in my life quietly and by myself while not letting anyone really know. I understand that being more open with people emotionally would take a toll off my back and help but I really save that for those extremely close to me like family.

  5. According to the self-test on emotional intelligence I took. The four major aspects of emotional intelligence are Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness and, Relationship Management. I feel the most important one to successful life is self-awareness.Grades and standardized testing does matter but IQ is not necessarily the only aspect. Anger, humor, anxiety, optimism, and happiness play a role in our lives. Emotional intelligence skills such as empathy self and social awareness have a impact sometimes greater than the just IQ. I view that self-awareness maybe the most important of these. Someone needs to know who they are their potential and be concrete and secure on that. The soft side of this has hard consequences and is catalytic to our daily lives. We need to be aware of ourselves. Such as our placement in society, our gender potential, our intellect, and capabilities. We can make a very small difference in IQ by just emotionally knowing our capabilities and always pushing those limits to the greatest. I feel this is the one that is most dear to me, because I need to acknowledge myself and not be my own worst enemy in life. I bring myself down.

  6. I agree with Carlos and Taylor in saying that I hold Self-Awareness as the most important aspect of Emotional Intelligence to succeed in life. My father has always said, “It’s important to know yourself first before you can deal with anyone else”, usually he is referring to your personal and romantic relationships, but it could definitely pertain to other aspects of your relationship development. I know myself all to well, and I know that I am definitely my own worst enemy. For example, I am a bit of a perfectionist, I like to do things the right way the first time and when they don’t go right it’s hard not to criticize internally and automatically go into this dark place. When I was younger it affected me the most, I would constantly beat myself up over the smallest things because as Daniel Goleman discussed we can hold ourselves to high standards in achieving something. When I was younger I was very aware of what made me tick and built me up, but I didn’t really know how to deal with the situation and mostly fell into this dark place. Now, I’m not saying that I am better now, because I am not. As I’ve gotten a bit older and experienced and observed other people and their philosophies and ways of dealing with situations it has opened me up in to experimenting and trying out what ways of dealing with situations work best for me. Building up confidence and self-esteem has been a hard journey that I’m still undertaking, I’ve gradually learned to let some things go and not be so hard on myself, but I still have triggers which are the best learning experiences. I believe you should know yourself and be aware of you strengths and weaknesses because once you are secure with who you are and know how to deal with yourself, your confidence will reassure other people. Making it much easier to establish and maintain relationships.

  7. To me, relationship management is the most important part of emotional intelligence. Relationships between myself and the people around me play a huge role in my self-concept and how I portray myself to the people around me. While I agree that Self Awareness is also very important, I believe that our self awareness is ultimately linked to our relationships with others. Like Bianca said, I am my own worst enemy, and although I know that I wouldn't hate myself if I were to be left on my own, my self awareness is definitely much more positive because of the relationships that I've built with my family and close friends. When I was younger I had a few negative relationships with people and I was so much more critical of myself and had pretty low self esteem. Building and maintaining strong relationships with people has been a key part of the development of how I see myself today.

  8. I think self awareness is most important in being successful. If you are not aware of self you cannot fix yourself and for most of us we are our own worst enemy. We tend to hold ourselves up from reaching our highest level of potential. I often get so focused on things I do not see anything other than my focus at the time. The bad thing is I’m not aware of my actions as they happen. My lack of self awareness tends to cause me to put important things on the back burner and causes me more issues. I feel like if I had more self awareness I wouldn’t neglect important things I would make time for everything. I think it is extremely hard to look in the mirror and be aware of your own actions verses someone else’s. the more we pay attention to ourselves rights and wrongs the better off we could be.

  9. Personally, I believe that self-awareness is the most important component of emotional intelligence. Often times, I find that I loose track of who I am and the things I believe in and stand for in the midst of my attempts to succeed and become a better person in my day-to-day life. Having a more accurate perception of myself and the things that bring me true joy in life would allow me to be more aware of how I present myself to others, thus allowing me to manage my relationships better. Additionally, I feel that self awareness would allow you to better interact with others as you may begin to build relationships centered around your self worth, meaning your relationships may play an important role in developing and enhancing your strengths once you know yourself and what you are capable of doing. Contrarily, a poor self awareness may lead a person to devaluation their self worth as they develop relationships with people that have "vulture" like qualities.

  10. I believe that self-awarness is the most important. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and look in the mirror and see what kind of person you really are. Sometimes we tend to stray away from who really are depending on are surroundings or who we are hanging out. We do this to try and fit in so that we are not the odd person out. I always give myself a reality check from time to time to make sure that I am being myself and changing the way i act to impress someone. When I stay true to myself I know what i am capable of and what i can do if i set my mind too. I feel like if you change your ways to get a job or get new friends you won't be successful in your future. Changing your self-awarness to impress people can really make you become a fake person. I always try to act myself and do what i do and try not to care what people think about me.

  11. I think that self-awareness is the most important when it comes to emotional intelligence. Simply because you need to be aware of obviously your own self, your emotions and everything about you first before you can manage to interact and have and maintain relationships with others. I think relationship management would be right under self awareness because as some people have already said that we most likely wouldn't be where we are today if it wasn't for some of the relationships that we've maintained or had over the years. Whether it's from family members, or close friends may have shaped you or helped shaped you into the person you are today. That's why it's important to know yourself, your goals, what you may want in life first instead of being unsure and letting others into your life first.
    When I took the test my results said that my emotional IQ was very high. I'm a very goal oriented person and once I have a goal or idea in mind and I go after it I keep focus. That had to do with my results because it was saying that if we are working towards our goals that are not in alignment with out key values and greater purpose we can become hostile and start to forget why we're "doing all of this". Which translates into less enthusiasm and joy with our work.
    I agree with that because I catch myself doing that sometimes, being so focused on life and my goals that I forget to focus on my own self awareness

  12. Personally, I value self-management above the others. Not to say the others aren’t important in comparison, but I feel that if you can’t manage yourself, then the other aspects are kind of a moot point. I’m currently the only person siding with this aspect so far, but basically, you can’t really deal with relationships or anything if you can’t deal with yourself.

    According to the quiz, I have high emotional intelligence. To be honest, I was expecting that. Like I mentioned in my last post, I can kind of tell where most quizzes are going after reading a few questions. And, again, like I mentioned in my last post, this quiz kind of took me for a loop. I was expecting the complete opposite result from what I got based off the answers I was giving. (My mojo is off, I swear. )
    My result mentioned something really interesting: “But if we are working toward goals that are not in alignment with our key values and greater purpose, we face becoming hostile and cynical - losing the reason we are doing 'all of this' in this first place!” I never really thought about it. This is one of those lines that stay stuck in your head for a while.

  13. I feel that the self-awareness aspect of emotional intelligence is the most essential to living a successful life because we are never fully aware of how much we as individuals are in control of until we ask questions and find answers. The more we know about our families, friends, loved ones and acquaintances subconsciously will determine what information we choose to share with and/or keep from them, what actions we choose to implement or refrain from because we assume certain consequences, and generally how involved we choose to let this person/ these people be in our lives. Self-awareness can guide you to making strong, positive self-management choices because you choose how hard you want to discipline yourself for a particular goal or goals. It can also lead you into making sound decisions for social awareness because if you have a strong sense of self-awareness, you can choose how big or small of an impact you will be to groups, organizations, etc.

  14. In my opinion, I believe that the most important aspect of emotional intelligence would be self-awareness, which is the process of understanding yourself. When you are aware of your strengths and limits you will be most confident about what you can and cannot do. When we get a better understanding in ourselves, we are empowered to make changes and build on our areas of strength as well as identity areas where we would like to make improvements. Self-awareness can make us a better person maybe because when someone has the ability to see when they are wrong or have made a mistake it can allow us to see other peoples perspectives and be empathetic to the situation or their feelings. At times when a person is not self aware of themselves they have the tendency to think that they are never wrong and when they think they are always right or something does not work out right or go as planned then it is always someone else's fault and not theirs. If we pay attention to our flaws, we can eventually make positive change to improve them and when you see your own faults it can be easier to accept others' faults as well.

  15. I think that Self-Awareness is outstands out of 3 other concepts. If I know who I’m, my thoughts, what I’m good at or suck, my emotions, why I do this and will never do that and so on I think I probably will be able to understand other people needs better. So, if self-awareness is developed it should be easier to understand and achieve the relationship management.
    But, because everyday of our life brings some new developments, we are getting in different situations, finding out something new and so on, we have to adjust our self-awareness. When I was a teen I can’t understand what my parents are going through. Now, when I have 2 children of my own I see the world through a different prism and sure can understand my parents. We become older and smarter, but maybe not all of us, probably only those who can analize themselves.

  16. Self awareness is the most important because I believe it’s at the root of the four different aspects. From what I have seen and realized over the years, an individual with a good sense of self awareness is much more likely to thrive in all the other aspects of life as opposed to someone who is not as confident, driven, and in touch with themselves. Speaking from personal experience and what I’m still currently going through, if it stays this way for a long period of time, poor self awareness can absolutely hinder your relationships and growth as a person and will most likely leave you in a rut. This is a why I think romantic relationships tend to fail for those who don’t have a good sense of self awareness because I don’t think you should expect someone to love you when you don’t even like or know who you are as a person. I really think self love and self awareness are at the core of everything, and once you’re able to reach it, the other aspects of your life will have a greater chance to flourish.

  17. Now that I am older I would have to say that self-awareness is the most important for me to live a successful life because I have learned that you have to know yourself before you can attempt to know or care for anyone else. Knowing your weaknesses and strengths can help you in gaining control of your life with certain situations that may arise at work, school, or even in a social setting. Although relationship management is important because life depends on how you interact with others, which I learned today in class while playing the games there are so many interesting people in our class and it doesn't even take traveling further than a classroom to realize this. Having self-awareness allows you to know yourself and share with others what you would feel is prudent for them to know depending the category they hold in your life. Knowing yourself would give you the know how to determine where you stand in life, what you have to work on, and what you can accomplish. Knowing yourself opens may doors for you and having this awareness will give you a strong sense of self and what goals you need to accomplish for yourself you make you happy because as I mentioned before you have to make yourself happy before you can make anyone else and this can only be done by knowing yourself.


  18. To me, self awareness is the the most important intellection of emotional intelligence. People can be extremely smart but, make the wrong choices and think very negatively and go off track. Most people think people with low IQ will never make it far , but that's not what matters, if you are not able to cope with your self. You will never be able to respect other people around you. That is where relationship management is important because the people your are always with going to have a huge impact in how you view thing and specially how they treat you. Many people become surrounded with people who are always bringing them down and that will never stop until you speak up for yourself. People should be able to have portray all four major aspects of emotional intelligence, that provides equality in all areas. Although,
